Portico Prize — The Portico Library
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2022 Portico Prize Winner

Toto Among the Murderers by Sally J Morgan


The judges said:

Toto Among the Murderers vividly evokes a period in recent history with themes that carry clear, if painful echoes, to today — a time when women in the North, in particular, lived in mortal fear of sexual violence made explicit by daily headlines about mass murderers targeting vulnerable women. But what comes through is the determination of Toto, the main character, to refuse to allow the fears to define her as she lives a life of reckless adventure, longing and love.”

Gary Younge, chair of judges

Mostly set in Leeds and Sheffield in 1973, Toto Among the Murderers – published by J M Originals / Hachette – is based on the author’s own experience of being offered a lift by the infamous murderers Fred and Rosemary West. Read more about the book and get your copy in our online shop here.

Sally receives £10,000 and an artwork by local artist Barry Anthony Finan, represented by Venture Arts, a charity for artists with learning disabilities in Manchester.

"I grew up in Yorkshire, and I have Yorkshire and the North – where I spent a lot of my adult life working – as a big place in my heart. I love to write about place, and I wanted to write about a place and a time and stories that I felt were being neglected and in danger of being lost. So to have Toto Among the Murderers recognised in this way by the Portico Prize is enormously affirming."

— Sally J Morgan

All proceeds directly support our charitable public programme


The 2022 judges: Melanie Sykes, Momtaza Mehri, Anita Singh and Gary Younge. Read about them here.


Watch the virtual Award Ceremony

Hear from 2022 judges Gary Younge, Melanie Sykes and Momtaza Mehri, 2020 winner Jessica Andrews and host Simon Savidge of Savidge Reads. Extracts from the six shortlisted books are read by past and present members of our Longlist panel — Yvonne Battle-Felton, Qaisra Shahraz, Ella Otomewo, Jo Flynn, Kamal Kaan and Mike Murphy.

Read about this year’s Longlist judges here.


About the Portico Prize

The Portico Prize is a £10,000 biennial award for the book that best evokes the spirit of the North of England, open to new works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.

To be eligible for entry, a book should have a central theme or subject that engages with some aspect of the North, whether, for example, through place, character, or sensibility.

The Portico Prize aims to celebrate the diversity of the North of England and to engage public interest in Northern stories, voices, and places. What constitutes the North of England and its geographical, linguistic, and imaginative locations are left to the discretion of those submitting and to the judges.


The Portico Prize 2022 longlist

The longlist judges introduce their selection

The longlist is judged by the Society of Readers and Writers, a rotating group of book lovers and literary enthusiasts with a connection to the North of England. This year’s cohort include literacy advocates, authors, librarians, booksellers, and historians from or based across the region. All members receive one year honourary membership of the Portico Library.


“As judges of the longlist, we were looking for titles that would move the needle on what people expect from Northern literature. It would be wrong to think of this as a parochial prize. Readers will find a huge variety of perspectives, of experiences and of takes on where we are now in the North of England and beyond. Whatever you’re after, it’ll be there in the longlist somewhere.”

— Mike Murphy, longlist judge


The 2022 shortlist


Click on the images below to learn more and buy in our shop.

Ghosted by Jenn Ashworth

Ghosted by Jenn Ashworth (Sceptre)

The Family Tree by Sairish Hussain

The Family Tree by Sairish Hussain (HQ, Harper Collins)

Mayflies by Andrew O’Hagan (Faber)

The Outsiders by James Corbett

The Outsiders by James Corbett (Eye Books)

Sea State by Tabitha Lasley

Sea State by Tabitha Lasley (4th Estate)

The judges said:

“The list illustrates the degree to which there is not one North but many, rooted not just in place but time, gender, race and religion: all moulded into elegant prose and conveyed with engaging storytelling.”

— Gary Younge, chair of judges



Rewriting the North Mentorships

A fantastic opportunity for aspiring writers to receive guidance and feedback from Faber Academy, one of the nation’s best writing schools.

Applications are open now! Send an application form and 500 words of your best writing on ‘What’s your North?’ to events@theportico.org.uk by Fri 20th May.



The Portico Podcast

Tune into Rewriting the North, a brand new site-specific series showcasing stories and voices from across the North of England.

For the final episode of our five-part series, Radio 5 Live Football Correspondent John Murray takes us on an odyssey of the North East of England, from a remote farm straddling Hadrian's Wall, where he grew up, to three iconic football grounds that have influenced his career: St James's Park (Newcastle FC), The Stadium of Light (Sunderland FC) and Riverside Stadium (Middlesbrough FC).

Other available episodes feature new commissions from MC and theatre maker Testament, writer and editor Adam Farrer, broadside balladeer Jennifer Reid and Yemeni-Scouse poet Amina Atiq.

Rewriting the North is supported using public funding by Arts Council England.


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