Mt. Fuji Summit print

Mt. Fuji Summit print
Fuji Summit
Murray’s Handbooks for Travellers were popular guidebooks during the 1830s to the early 1900s. This map of Mount Fuji summit shows the name of cities, trails, and lakes around the famous mountain.
This book includes subjects on currency, climate, and nature with extensive details on which places to visit in different seasons of the year and where major festivals were held.
Ernest Mason Satow, or in Japanese Satō Ainosuke, the author, was a British Minister in Japan. He wrote many books in his time based on his international ministership experiences including the famous A Guide to Diplomatic Practice.
This print was reproduced from A handbook for travellers in Central and Northern Japan by John Murray, Ernest M. Satow, C.M.G. and Lieutenant A.G.S. Hawes
Curated by John Consterdine, Manchester Taxi Tours.
Printed on A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm) 250gsm, Perlino Cotton paper, SC® certified board made up of 65% virgin fibres, 25% recycled material and 10% cotton fibre
Limited edition with hand-labelled numbers
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